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Let our first fun fact explained at the outset - Turtles are reptiles, amphibians. Of course I was so happy in the land and water - with the exception of turtles drown when they put in deep water - but that does not make them amphibians. In fact, the turtles are quite unique as the only reptiles that grow really an outer shell of bones!
It seems that everything that goes right into the shell of calcium, because the turtles have no teeth. They have a very sharp beak, that finger right off if you're not fast enough, but then they are faster than a turtle right?
All living turtles belong to the crown group Chelonia and about 300 species that exist today, although a trade show are on the endangered list. Turtles are in place locally on all continents except Antarctica, and all except the oceans' Arctic. Wondering why they do not live in colder regions? You guessed it! Like reptiles> Turtles are cold blooded and can not produce the heat of his body.
But literally everywhere you look, it's likely that you will find turtles and this is probably because they are one of the oldest living reptiles, with about 215 million years ago.
The turtle shell is called the "exoskeleton" that is basically the skeleton "made outside of bone. The tortoise shell, or exoskeleton that grows from the ribs to fuse with the spine and formslarge plates called scutes.
The top of the tank when the tank is and the bottom is like a shell. The lower abdomen is the way to tell men and women on the other.
For men, the plastron is concave, while the female is flat. Not all turtle shells are difficult. In fact, some even "soft" deserve some turtles known as "turtles. (The leatherback turtle, sea turtles, among other things, always in one of the largest turtle is abouttwo meters in length.)
Another little known fact about their turtles well-developed sense of sight and smell. Second, their shells, their best protection from predators. If they see or smell of an attack far enough, you can pull him to safety in the mud, water or a large rock in front of the predator is close enough to inflict some real damage. The pancake tortoise, for example, has a soft shell, but help would be much more of a hard shell, fromto slip into crevices to escape the attack.
All turtles breathe, the water, and although for a long time under water eventually emerge, all they have to go again.
This includes the Australian freshwater turtles is one that has a very interesting feature near the cavity of the cloaca.
These are the blood-rich papillae are able to absorb the dissolved oxygen directly from water, like fish gills, which will remain under water for longer than manycolleagues.
Turtles are fascinating creatures and the information that you want to know about them more. Keeping one as a pet door to know much more than you need to know other animals, but it is certainly worth it.
This is a turtle and tortoise facts online, in books, pet shops - you can learn all you can before you get a pet as well if you have been thinking about it. Make greatPets!
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